Point vs. Platform: Which Makes Sense When?

As the security market continues to consolidate, large platform vendors are acquiring new capabilities through M&A; while other vendors are solely focused on developing best-of-breed feature sets. Should you go with a larger platform vendor or choose a more focused point solution?

In this webinar, IANS Faculty Adrian Sanabria and Guillaume Ross use Microsoft as a key example and explain:

  • The main pros and cons of both types of vendors
  • Key pitfalls to avoid in the decision
  • How to ensure you choose the right fit for your organization


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VAC Report Summary: Microsoft Platforms Make Sense for Azure or Windows Enterprises, Less So for Others

by Adrian Sanabria with Dave Shackleford and Aaron Turner, IANS Faculty

Microsoft holds a lot of power and clout as the industry’s largest security vendor, and it commands a broad range of security products. However, its confusing licensing models and overcomplicated UI/UX can make Microsoft a chore to buy and use.

Download this point vs. platform VAC report snapshot to understand Microsoft’s five main security-focused platforms and find recommendations for when it makes sense to use them—and when it doesn’t…

Complete the form and we’ll send a copy of our point vs. platform VAC report directly to your email.

IANS Generative AI Report


On-Demand Content: Capitalize on Vendor Consolidation

Mitigate third party risk with actionable advice from IANS Faculty.


Privacy Program Management Market Guide

This report snapshot provides an overview of privacy program management tools focused solely in the data inventory, cookie consent and individual rights management space.

Jodi Daniels, IANS Faculty

Zero Trust Network Access Market Guide

This report snapshot details the current Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) market and provides key recommendations for organizations looking to make an investment in ZTNA this year.

Dave Shackleford, IANS Faculty


Additional Vendor Resources

Gain further insight by accessing the following IANS Faculty content:

Learn More: Cost vs. Complexity: A More Practical Two-Dimensional Vendor Analysis
Author: Josh More, IANS Faculty

Learn More: Key Takeaways From the Snowflake Security Incidents
Author: Jake Williams, IANS Faculty

Learn More: 6 Ways to Optimize Vendor Management Programs
Author: Josh More, IANS Faculty

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About IANS

For the security practitioner caught between rapidly evolving threats and demanding executives, IANS Research is a clear-headed resource for making decisions and articulating risk. We provide experience-based security insights for chief information security officers and their teams. The core of our value comes from the IANS Faculty, a network of seasoned practitioners. We support client decisions and executive communications with Ask-an-Expert inquiries, our peer community, deployment-focused reports, tools and templates, and consulting.