Online Training Trailers

Our Live Online Trainings feature 3-6 hours of Faculty-led instruction presented in two-day formats. Available to IANS Decision Support clients with a company seat, these courses have a hands-on, interactive element built into the session designs. Included in the client deliverables are technical labs and practical exercises, and a library of recorded training modules. Below is a selection of 20-minute excerpts from our recently recorded trainings.

Application Security Primer

with Kevin Johnson, IANS Faculty

Led by Kevin Johnson, this course focuses on explaining the fundamentals of applications and their security and is designed to allow managers, product owners, support staff and non-developers to understand application security. Takeaways include what makes up the various modern application technologies, the application development process, what vulnerabilities and risk are exposed via applications, and how the attacks happen.

Ransomware Planning and Mitigation

with Jake Williams, IANS Faculty

Led by Jake Williams, this course instructs attendees how to prepare their networks to best defend against a ransomware attack and detect the early signs of an attack in progress to minimize damage. Attendees learn about various configuration changes and logging postures they can implement in their own environments to make their defenses more robust.

Vulnerability Management

with Jake Williams, IANS Faculty

Mature vulnerability management teams work with IT to prioritize remediation of vulnerabilities by examining a number of factors, including potential mitigations, complexity of patching, whether a vulnerability is in the wild, etc. Led by Jake Williams, this introductory course covers the process of interpreting scan results, prioritizing results by integrating open source intelligence, and creating a remediation plan.

Kevin Johnson

IANS Faculty

Kevin is the Founder, CEO, and Principal Security Consultant of Secure Ideas, an information security consulting company that focuses on penetration testing services and training. He is also a founder and contributor of many open source projects including the Samurai Web Testing Framework (SamuraiWTF), a web penetration testing and training environment, and the Basic Analysis and Security Engine (BASE) project, a web front-end for Snort Analysis

Achievements & Noteworthy Contributions

  • Presenter at information security conferences such as Black Hat, DEF CON, and ShmooCon in addition to organizations such as Infragard, ISACA, and ISSA
  • Former SANS Institute Senior Instructor (8 years)
  • Author of SANS Course, Security 542: Web Application Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking
  • Former Senior Security Consultant for InGardians, an independent information security consultancy
  • Former Technical Architecture Engineer at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida
  • Former Programmer at ANC Rental Corp,, and eSiteCreation

Hobbies & Fun Facts

Kevin enjoys spending time with his family and is an avid Star Wars fan and member of the 501st Legion, a Star Wars charity group.

Jake Williams

IANS Faculty

Jake Williams (aka MalwareJake) is a seasoned security researcher with decades of experience in technology and security. Jake is a former startup founder, former senior SANS instructor and course author, and an intelligence community and military veteran. He loves forensics, incident response, cyber threat intelligence and offensive methodologies. Today, Jake is an IANS faculty member, an independent security consultant, and is performing security-focused research to benefit the broader community. He has had the honor of twice winning the DoD Cyber Crime Center (DC3) annual digital forensics challenge. You may also know Jake from one of his many conference talks, webcasts, media appearances or his postings about cybersecurity.

Achievements & Noteworthy Contributions

  • Two-Time Winner of the Annual DC3 Forensics Challenge
  • Speaker at information security conferences such as Black Hat, DEF CON, ShmooCon, RSA, and DC3
  • Designated a Master Computer Network Exploitation (CNE) Operator by the NSA
  • Former Vulnerability Analyst at US Department of Defense
  • Former Senior Systems Engineer at Dell Services

Certifications & Credentials

  • MSIA, Information Assurance –Capitol College

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