The Compensation, Budget and Satisfaction Benchmark for Retail CISOs, 2023–2024
The retail industry’s early adoption of digital technology completely transformed the consumer shopping experience and also opened up a new wave of cyberthreats, both online and in-store. Financial and data losses, damage to buyer trust and brand reputation have upped the stakes for CISOs in retail.
IANS and Artico Search surveyed more than 660 CISOs as part of the 2023 CISO Compensation and Budget Benchmark Study. In The Compensation, Budget and Satisfaction Benchmark for CISOs in the Retail Sector, 2023–2024, we provide a deep dive into responses by CISOs in the retail sector.
Find valuable data and analysis that can help CISOs in the retail industry better evaluate their situation against industry peers, along with compensation, security budgets and satisfaction levels. Download our benchmark report to learn:
- Compensation details for retail CISOs and key cybersecurity leadership staff positions.
- A breakdown of cybersecurity budgets for retail orgs in eight spending categories.
- Data on job satisfaction and career mobility for CISOs in retail.
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