2022 Security Organization & Compensation Benchmark Report
For CISOs, org design entails decisions about the formation and evolution of their leadership team and the acquisition and retention of leadership talent. Reliable and objective third-party benchmark data about org design and compensation can help CISOs in their org decisions and in talent recruitment.
The 2022 Security Organization and Compensation Benchmark Study is a deep dive into the org design and compensation for security leader roles one level down from the CISO.
Our annual benchmark study, jointly fielded with Artico Search, provides objective and comprehensive data collected from 522 CISOs on org design and compensation for about 1,200 staff, spread over the seven—dedicated and full-time—security functional leaders.
Download a summary version of our benchmark report to access to the following data and insights:
- Sample security leadership organization models to help you benchmark best practices relative to industry and company revenue.
- Overall compensation data for information security leadership roles: deputy CISO and heads of architecture and engineering, product security, application security, product and app security, security operations, and GRC.
- Guidance on hiring and retaining key leadership staff members based on compensation trends and market insights from Artico Search’s cyber practice.
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