Cloud Security Maturity Model
The Cloud Security Maturity Model (CSMM) is co-developed by IANS and Securosis and administered in partnership with the Cloud Security Alliance.
What is the Cloud Security Maturity Model?
Why complete the CSSM Diagnostic?
Foundational Domain
Represents the core, critical infrastructures.
Structural Domain
Represents what would traditionally be considered security.
Procedural Domain
Represents many of the fundamental process and procedural changes required.
Levels of cloud security maturity

Assets to expedite your journey
Download the reportIntro to the CSSM 2.0
A 5-page overview of the updated Cloud Security Maturity model and how to use it.
CSSM Poster
A pdf visual representation of the Cloud Security Maturity Model 2.0
Cloud Security Maturity Model 2.0
A detailed excel spreadsheet with control objectives specified for each maturity level.
Frequently Asked Questions
You will get maturity assessments across:
Your Entire Program
You will get a score for your maturity across all three domains.
Each Domain
You will get a score for each respective domain: Foundational, Structural
and Procedural.
Each Category
You will get a maturity score for each category within the model.

About Securosis
Securosis is an information security research and advisory firm dedicated to transparency, objectivity, and quality. We are totally obsessed with improving the practice of information security. Our job is to save you money and help you do your job better and faster by helping you cut through the noise and providing clear, actionable, pragmatic advice on securing your organization. Following our guiding principle of totally transparent research, we provide nearly all our content for free. You can find out more about who we are, what we cover, and the services we offer at

About Cloud Security Alliance
Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) is the world’s leading organization dedicated to defining and raising awareness of best practices to help ensure a secure cloud computing environment. CSA harnesses the subject matter expertise of industry practitioners, associations, governments, and its corporate and individual members to offer cloud security-specific research, education, certification, events and products. CSA’s activities, knowledge and extensive network benefit the entire community impacted by cloud — from providers and customers, to governments, entrepreneurs and the assurance industry — and provide a forum through which diverse parties can work together to create and maintain a trusted cloud ecosystem. For more information, visit