CISO Traits Essential for SEC Board Readiness
With the SEC finally voting to adopt new cyber rules for publicly traded companies, the materiality of cyber risk was further emphasized. Cyber knowledge and disclosure in the business is the priority, however, the board’s role in cyber oversight along with the need for CISO expertise on public boards cannot be overlooked.
In this short video clip, IANS Senior Research Director, Nick Kakolowski and Artico co-founder Steve Martano, discuss findings from our CISOs as Board Directors, CISO Board Readiness Analysis along with just some of the compelling insights included in this year’s benchmark reports.
The underlying report, fielded together with Artico Search and The CAP Group provides key insights and actionable guidance for both companies and aspiring board ready CISOs.
Watch the video to gain a better understanding of what makes CISOs stand out as a highly qualified board candidate.
CISO Board Expertise Benefits
Board directorships are a win-win for both CISOs and the Board. CISOs can use their expertise to serve boards by contextualizing cyber risk within governance conversations. Board roles also let CISOs broaden their network and build professional standing. Boards benefit from the expert oversight of cybersecurity risk management processes to ensure SEC compliant annual reports.
By focusing on areas in the video, CISOs can increase their visibility beyond the cyber community and have a greater contribution to the board and their field.
“What the data tells us is that uniqueness in experience is valued by boards. While there is no ‘one path’ to obtaining a board seat, the more well-rounded and diverse one’s background, the more likely it is that person is viewed as a credible board candidate.”
-Steve Martano, ARTICO
Find additional research-backed findings and recommendations on the preferred traits of candidates for companies and aspiring board-ready CISOs to be prepared for the new SEC Cyber rules. Download the CISOs as Board Directors, CISO Board Readiness Analysis.
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