Resonating with Leadership: Creating Security Metrics for Budgeting and Decision-Making
Creating metrics to support budgeting and decision-making requires a focus on threats, losses and return on controls (ROC). This piece explains how to use a cyber-risk quantification (CRQ) process to create cybersecurity metrics that resonate with the board and senior leadership.
What is Cyber-risk Quantification?
The ideal approach for creating metrics that inform decision-making with an emphasis on budgeting is called cyber-risk quantification. CRQ methodologies help build strategies that rank order security investments based on return on controls. ROC considers the value the business puts at risk (value at risk), losses transferred to insurance and the value controls bring in reducing threats to the business. Using a canonical effectiveness metrics framework provides a comprehensive approach to CRQ and are used by the Department of Defense CISO program out of Carnegie Mellon and dozens of major universities and enterprises around the globe. Below are recommended framework steps:
1. Identify Macro Asset Classes
A quick way to get started with a CRQ methodology is to start building a metrics-driven budget by identifying macro asset classes. Assets are a qualitative proxy for the quantitative value at risk. Value at risk and related losses are defined by things like data loss, business disruption, extortion and wire fraud. For now, you want to identify critical asset groups that, if compromised, could lead to outsized financial impact. Start by identifying non-mutually exclusive assets, such as:
- Externally facing assets: This includes data center, third-party cloud (AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, etc.), key SaaS (i.e., third-party mission-critical) assets, etc.
- Regulatory in-scope assets: These include assets subject to PCI, the New York Department of Financial Services, Service Organization Controls 2 and other regulatory compliance initiatives.
- Endpoint systems: These are laptops, desktops, etc. (considered virtually externally facing, i.e., users who click on things and receive inbound digital messages and interact regularly with third-party SaaS among other things).
2. Map Threats to Loss Types
This can be done per critical macro asset at a very high level. Imagine having a general catalog that lists out threats and their loss types. Figure 1 is an example. You want to map the threat and loss combinations that apply to a particular macro asset. Imagine we have done that for PCI-hosted data center systems. Not all loss types will necessarily apply to every threat in every circumstance. And not all threats apply all the time. The circled threat and loss combinations are the ones assessed as most pertinent here.
Note how ransomware has three loss types. This means we’ve decided all loss types apply in this instance. However, that is not always the case for all threats or for all macro assets.
READ: Operational Metrics CISOs Should Present to the Board
3. Choose Your Security Controls
For controls, consider using the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Critical Security Controls. It maps to several frameworks and is accepted (and, in many cases, is expected) across industries, even internationally. An additional bonus is that the CIS controls has a metrics list we can adopt. Of course, you are not limited to CIS. It’s just expedient for this discussion.
When starting out with CIS, consider using the Control Implementation Group 1 (IG1). This is the most basic level of cyber hygiene recommended for any business of any size. As your program matures, you can upgrade to IG2 and then IG3.
4. Map Metrics to Threats and Loss Types
Your next job is mapping relevant controls and basic metrics onto the list of threats and loss types. This applies per asset group, e.g., PCI-hosted data center systems. The ideal would be to use a multi-tabbed spreadsheet. Each tab covers a macro asset and its controls, threats, losses and metrics. Figure 2 shows an example for one control (10) with two sub-controls (1 and 2).
Figure 2: Map Macro Assets to Controls, Threats, Losses and Metrics | ||||||
Asset Group | Risk Class | Threat | Loss | CIS Control | On | Extent Deployed |
PCI-hosted data center | Regulatory External | Ransomware | Breach | 10.1 | Yes | 75% |
PCI-hosted data center | Regulatory External | Ransomware | Breach | 10.2 | Yes | 40% |
Source: IANS, 2023 |
Note that for a control to be “on,” it must be turned on, configured correctly and up to date. We are taking our lead from the previously mentioned CIS metrics that consider correct configuration and deployment (aka Sigma) level.
5. Add the Security Investments
Your next job is adding the capabilities (i.e., investments in people, process and technologies) that apply to each instance. This is not a small undertaking. You could have anywhere from five to as many as 20 or more tabs of macro enterprise asset groups, depending on your level of decomposition. Figure 3 shows what a couple of rows could look like that this point.

You can put specific vendor products in the solutions column. This is particularly useful if you already have pricing.
6. Prioritize and Fund the Control Gaps
Starting out use a qualitative approach to aid in prioritization, but eventually, a more thorough CRQ-based approach should be considered. For now:
Review the asset groups with the most in-scope risk classes, the most loss scenarios and 0% controls deployed: These are the control gaps that should likely be rank-ordered first on your budget. Why? Three reasons:
- They don’t meet the benchmark of basic cyber hygiene from a CIS perspective.
- Their absence can theoretically lead to loss.
- The absence of such basic controls for critical assets could be seen as a sign of moral negligence.
Keep in mind this is a qualitative look at what controls should go into a budget. You could, in theory, have one asset with one risk class and with one loss scenario. Indeed, it could be 70% of the way deployed in terms of required controls. That fact might tempt you to overlook that asset to focus on less mature and seemingly more risky use cases. You want to avoid that temptation. CRQ approaches catch these potential areas.
Look for the single solution, or group of solutions, that cuts across the most control items: That is, find the controls that seem to have the most risk-reducing impact across asset groups and cost the least. This is a qualitative proxy for finding the economically best ROC. In this case, you are looking for the best economies of scale from a qualitative perspective to buy down the most risk.
Use this qualitative ROC method to establish controls across your portfolio over time. Work through the critical combinations, increasing the deployment rate across your critical asset classes. Ideally, you would set key performance indicators (KPIs) to increase the Sigma levels (per CIS metrics) to more than 90% for all critical combinations.
READ: Use a Framework to Create Meaningful Metrics and KPIs
How to Communicate Cybersecurity Metrics to Leadership
The highest levels of leadership want you to talk about macro KPIs as they relate to upleveling capabilities. Fortunately, CIS, as well as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) and others, readily support this line of reasoning.
As mentioned earlier, CIS uses a concept called an IG, which is somewhat analogous to NIST CSF Tiers. CIS has IG Levels 1–3. You can translate these into qualitative capability-based terms if you like as follows:
- Basic: IG1 is considered the “basic” benchmark controls requirements for cyber hygiene.
- Managed: IG2 is considered meeting the requirements of a “managed” cybersecurity system.
- Expert: IG3 could be characterized as an “expert” cybersecurity system. Not only does it have a larger share of controls, but it has a team of experts supporting its effectiveness.
Alternatively, you can use whatever makes the most sense for your organization.
Framing Security Discussions with Leadership
Below is an example board narrative based on the approach outlined above:
- We have assessed our key assets, their value and relevant threats, such as ransomware and business email, cloud and SaaS compromise. We have also considered the industry-standard controls needed to protect them. We set goals for betterment based on gaps relative to accepted and expected industry standards and material impacts, should these assets be compromised.
- Our goal by the end of Q4 is to consistently exceed 90% coverage on all key controls. Achieving this will mature our program from an assessment of “basic hygiene” to a “managed program.” This decision was made in conjunction with risk, compliance, legal and IT leadership stakeholders. Together, we evaluated the value of our key assets, the regulatory requirements needed to protect them and the requests of our increasingly risk-averse customers.
- Given our growth into new markets and regions over the next two years, we will be evolving our cybersecurity system to meet a benchmarked level of “expert” as defined by the CIS Critical Security Controls. This assessment was also made in collaboration with the aforementioned stakeholder groups.
From that introduction you can share more detailed coverage metrics from an asset and or threat perspective. For example, you could discuss the coverage level for all in-scope assets as it relates to ransomware, phishing, business email compromise or various classes of insider threat. Or you could focus on cloud assets and/or a combination of asset and threat class.
Focus on Return on Controls
- When building metrics to support budgeting and decision-making, considering ROC can help surface the best strategy forward. To ensure the metrics you choose resonate with leadership:
- Map threats to losses to help surface the most impactful threats.
- Map controls and then metrics to those threats/losses to better understand any gaps.
- Prioritize and fund the gaps focusing on the controls that mitigate the most risk for the most assets for the least cost.
- Create metrics to track your progress so you can show leadership how you are scaling up in cybersecurity maturity over time.
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