Jane Chwick
IANS Faculty
IANS Faculty
Jane is a former partner of Goldman Sachs where she had a 30-year career in technology, including most recently as the Co-Chief Operating Officer of the technology division. As Co-COO she was responsible for financial and business planning, setting the technical strategy and the management of an 8,000-person organization within the firm. While at Goldman, Jane served on many governance committees, including the firm’s Finance Committee, the Firm Wide New Activity Committee and the Technology Risk Committee, and she was the co-chair of the Technology Division Operating Committee.
Jane currently serves on a number of boards for corporate and not for profit organizations including Voya Financial, MarketAxess, People’s United Bank, Thoughtworks and Essent Group. She is the chair of the Technology, Innovation and Operations Committee at Voya Financial and at Essent and is the chair of the Risk Committee at MarketAxess. In addition, Jane is on the Executive Board of Trustees and the Vice Chair of the Queens College Foundation. Jane previously served on the boards of the Berkshire School and Girls Who Code.
Jane earned an undergraduate degree in Mathematics from Queens College, and an MBA with a concentration in quantitative analysis from St. John’s University.